Stubborn weight that won't come off

Ear and jaw tension and pain

Chronic Ear Infections

Hormonal issues and infertility

Skin issues and acne

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Concerns
Autoimmune Disorders

General body aches and malaise


Muscle and joint pain

Gum and mouth issues

Digestive and gut issues

Sleep issues

and MUCH more...

What if these things and many others that you or someone you love might be experiencing could be resolved by addressing ONE issue in the body?

Several family members and I have seen a HUGE difference overall by working to reduce inflammation in our bodies.

We have had the privilege of having a WONDERFUL Medical Professional who has helped to guide us through the process. For each of us, the journey has been slightly different, but for ALL of us there have been common factors, specifically related to making changes in our home and personal care environments and in the foods that we were eating.

For us, there has been a LOT of trial and error, money spent, frustrating shopping trips and meals and more.

Would it be of help to you to be able to learn from what WE learned and not have to do all of the trial and error that my family did?

I can’t believe I’m sharing this picture.

This was taken in June of 2018 and when I saw this picture and several others taken on a dream trip that I got to take to Hawaii with some friends. THAT was the moment I determined something had to change! I went home and actively started trying to lose weight, take the pressure off of my hormones, joints, emotions and more.

But it wasn’t that easy…I needed to do more than “go on a diet and exercise”. So much more.

PS: I also determined I would NEVER wear that top again, but four years later things are a LOT different in many different ways and the picture below is the “in between”, because I’m not fully in the “after” stage yet.

I DO feel MUCH better. I’ve lost weight, although not as much as it might look like. More importantly, I have reduced the inflammation throughout my entire body. Daily headaches that I was having are gone, my joints only hurt on an occasional basis (I’m not a teenager anymore), hormonal issues have calmed down, I’m sleeping better, it’s rare day that I’m overwhelmed with stress and anxiety and much more.

I’d love to tell you more!

Join me for a bundle of pre-recorded webinars and workshops that you can watch at your leisure!

You could pay hundreds of dollars for this type of course elsewhere, but we have bundled it and discounted it for you at a price of only $50!

Register to join in by completing this form below:

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